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Food Insider

Learn how climate change impacts Canada's food systems and how agriculture impacts global warming. From the food on your plate to innovations of the future, get your food news here.

228 Articles

DFO salmon decision shuts hundreds of First Nations out of consultations, experts say

As a child, about 300 wild salmon, carefully packed into a chest freezer after each fishing season, sustained Kukpi7 Judy Wilson and her family for the year ahead. “We had one freezer for salmon, one freezer for wild meat, and my parents had a ranch farm. We were independent,” said Kukpi7 Wilson, now chief of the Neskonlith Indian Band, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs.

A 1930s-era federal agency helped farms recover from an ecological crisis. It's time for a replacement, advocates say

Environment Canada predicts the upcoming decades will transform Canada’s climate, forcing farmers to re-evaluate everything from which seeds to buy to which pastures their livestock graze. That’s a huge challenge for farmers with no time to pore over scientific studies and models charting how the climate crisis will transform their land.

B.C. harvests 196,000 tonnes of fish a year. Most of it is exported and that's a problem, advocates say

James Lawson catches fish. Fish that rarely feed the B.C. coast. He’s not alone: Roughly 85 per cent of seafood caught in the province is exported, yet B.C. fish harvesters can’t get their catch to local markets — and the provincial government is doing little to change that in plans to increase food security post-pandemic.

What will it mean for food industry workers if there's another lockdown?

Lia Moody is worried. Worried about layoffs. Earlier this month, faced with soaring cases of COVID-19, B.C. provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry mandated the closure of nightclubs and banquet halls, and put additional restrictions on restaurants and bars. It’s the latest hit to an industry still battered by the pandemic — and winter is coming.